You Can't Scare Me!

They came
They brought me an apple
I tied a shoe
I feel like a teacher.

The school is trying to scare me by overcrowding our classroom with special education students and very limited special education support. Half of our class has some nature of worry that has been identified, everything from autism, seizures, allergies to sun, nuts, dairy, etc., wheelchair needs, and partial blindness. Our class is swamped. Whatever their needs though, I have grown quickly to love each of my students, they are beautiful people and I will do everything that I can for them over the next few months.
When I greeted one teacher in the morning Friday she said with surprise "you're still smiling!" and I am. I love teaching. This is my life-long dream and I am going to embrace every good moment, and every trying moment. Many new teachers quickly leave their profession for other work when they realize what society expects of us is so much, with the desire to spend as little money for the service as possible.
Over this last week I have had opportunities to lead my class in games, and to see the big picture of what teaching involves. It is what I expected it would be - I am not quitting!

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