Slice of Life Day Six: Spring

I'm no poet, but here goes nothing...

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Before the Snow became bad

I watched birds flying all around outside my window.
Longest winter, coldest nights.
Not long
Not long
Not forever.
At last the days lengthen
I arrive to fetch my babes and the sun has not yet set!
Melt SNOW! Fall icicles!
Soon I will see to the left and right crossing the street.
Soon, in my spare time, I will be walking through the neighborhood.
Not long now.


  1. I can feel your desire for spring! I hope it shows itself soon.

  2. I can feel your desire for spring! I hope it shows itself soon.

  3. I wrote a similar poem today. The desire for spring is strong!

  4. and the desire for it is everywhere...I saw pictures of spring already there in Oregon and was jealous. Posting Monet gardens on my Facebook timeline helps

  5. It is coming, we won't be waiting much longer!
