Slice of Life Day 17: Goofball Baby
Today I came to the sitters early to pick her up. She just kept on playing and smiling, as if she had something mischievous going through her mind. She did not stop playing to come into my arms, until the normal pick-up time. That little goof is on a schedule. I should have known.
It makes me so happy to watch my babies emerge as their very own people.
Slice of Life Day 16
First day of testing and I am so proud of the kids for their energy getting through all the units. Our timing was not perfect (maybe even bad), and they just smiled and made the most of it. Who knew this would be more exhausting than a day of teaching?
I'm setting up everything for my husband to get the babies to the sitter in the morning and getting as much rest as possible.
I am so tired!
Slice of Life Day 15: Rocky Road Day
We'll be closing in a month and settling into the new old home soon. This is our first home purchase and it doesn't seem real.
In one of my dreams I was at the kitchen sink when the floor fell in! That was not too good. Ups and downs and finally ups today.
I hope everyone else had a more level-headed day.
Slice of Life Day 14: Trying Again on the House
It is getting to a point where I am feeling a lot of guilt every time I put my little one into the car seat. She is so tired of being in that bucket position. I don't blame her. I've even added a towel to my own seat because the bucket-y-ness is too much for me, so I can only empathize with her. Poor thing. Every time I put her in I remind myself that I am doing it to keep her safe, and that the ends (having a house and yard) do justify the means (having her spend a few more hours than I would prefer in that bucket).
We are hoping that this was our last Saturday morning spent house hunting. We put an offer on a giant house with nearly an acre of land, just 8 miles from my husband's work, no worries about my commute since I teach from home. So wish us luck, because I think this one feels right.
New topic: I love writing every day! We really are nearly a month through the challenge, and I am thinking about the writing habits I will carry on past the month of March. I am hoping to add a weekly Tuesday Slice, and maybe one or two other themes to keep my blog alive! What do you think of Virtual Educator Fridays or Mama Resource Mondays, or something else... I'll think about what is realistic for me, and what I really have something to say about.
Keep on loving and writing folks!
I am participating in the Slice of Life Challenge brought to us by the genius teachers at Two Writing Teachers.Thank you ladies!
Slice of Life Day 13: Growing Hipster
Slice of Life Day Twelve: Yummy Tootsies
I bought these shoes off Zulily a few months ago for seven bucks. I've been so excited since I am making the switch this spring from typical shoes to minimalist shoes. They are basically glorified socks, so I have waited for the weather to change so I could start wearing them. So comfortable!
My little guys toes are in the pic too, because they are just yummy!
Slice of Life Day 11; Testing, Testing... 1, 2, 3!
I want it to be OK, I will take any results that are positive as proof of the students' brilliance, but I will not take poor results as "proof" that they lack genius. I won't. We need to take the test. We need to make the most of it. We need to let the children know that no matter how they perform on the test, we will not be disappointed.
I am so ready for this to be over with so I can get on to the fun part of teaching. I am planning a science fair for the end of the year. That is what really matters to me. I can't wait to see my genius students (I hope you know that when I refer to my genius students, I am referring to all my students) pursue subjects that they enjoy and can experience hands-on learning.
Deep breaths.
This will be over soon.
Slice of Life Day Ten: I don't even know...
Today I had an opportunity to feel legitimate in my occupation, and at the end of the day I felt able to totally devote my time to my children. It was a beautiful day of feeling balance. Sometimes doing what I do, I feel like I am just not doing anything important. I try, but I don't always have the gratification that I am used to from brick-and-mortar teaching (that is what us virtual teachers call the rest of you). My role is often more of a supporting role, and sometimes I find that people don't know when to ask for support. As the time goes on though, I am becoming more aware of how to find the people who need help. Today was one of those days and it was a good feeling, which allowed me at the end of the day to relax and just spend time with the kids and catch up on some of the housework.
Slice of Life Day Eight: Literacy
Each day my toddler meticulously lines up his letters, either on the fridge or the dishwasher. This picture does not even show how well he does this task, since I had to clean some off the floor after his sister came around to do what she does.
Speaking of his sister, at (nearly) one she was trying to track with her finger while I read a book to her this morning!
These examples go to show the value of creating a literate environment for babies. Pre-reading skills are simple to introduce and make a world of difference for young children.
Slice of Life Day Nine: My Sweetness
Today while driving home from the grocery store NPR was on the radio. I wasn't paying much attention, but I think the program that was playing may have been This American Life. Someone was telling a story about something and described a woman saying "she spared every expense." It made me laugh out loud.
I don't know if that person was talking about a mother, or family member, or what, but it made me think. How will I be described by my grown children. So I am considering what my two year old is experiencing with me, what is life like from his very important perspective.
Our kids see how embarrassing we are, and looking back as adults how do they interpret their memories? I can't base all parenting choices on a fear of what he'll think when he grows, but I will amuse myself from time to time thinking about that.
Slice of Life Day Seven: Emotional Shopping
Here goes nothing, our offer went through today, so we'll see what happens next. I am emotionally exhausted tonight.
Slice of Life Day Six: Spring
I watched birds flying all around outside my window.
Longest winter, coldest nights.
Not long
Not long
Not forever.
At last the days lengthen
I arrive to fetch my babes and the sun has not yet set!
Melt SNOW! Fall icicles!
Soon I will see to the left and right crossing the street.
Soon, in my spare time, I will be walking through the neighborhood.
Not long now.
Slice of Life Day Five: Don't know what to write, for the right reasons!
So for today I will just free-write some of the things that are running circles around my head:
Feeling sick and being a parent - somehow we are supposed to take turns on the sickness so one of us is left to take care of the kids.
The kids are growing too fast, in many ways they are taking care of themselves.
We are hunting for a house... put in an offer today on a property that my husband saw and I did not. We'll see what happens.
I made pancakes for breakfast, they made me super happy. When I find a gluten-free recipe that I want to make more than once, that is a great find!
There is no such thing as a normal week around here, it seems like an old and tired topic to write about, but it is so relevant.
We cannot please everyone, personally or professionally, grow a tougher skin and let those nasty comments roll off.
Maybe in the days to come I will flesh out one or two of these and try to make something worth reading. Thanks for sharing this journey with me!
Slice of Life Day Four: What's her sign?
So during my childhood I did not know my "sign", One day while goofing off in biology class, a fellow student asked me my birthday, after I answered the question he proceeded to comment about Libras. It was the first time I had heard the word. I still think very little about my sign and it always catches me off guard when a curious friend, colleague or strangers asks me what mine is.
Now imagine my surprise when people begin asking me about my children's signs! I don't know. I do not even care or give any validation to the question. I shrug my shoulders and say I don't know, and I try to keep it to myself that I REALLY do not care.
Slice of Life Day Three: Doing Something Right!
Today I am pondering the meaning of that beautiful phrase "work-life-balance". How does it apply to teachers, who are famous for being strangers to their families from August to June. Where do we carve out the time for our families, and how do we meet the requirements of the job we love and have passion for and the family that we also have endless love and passion for.
I am unusual because I am teaching virtually - from home. This makes some aspects of the balance easier - I spend more time with the kiddos, I get a few moments between work tasks to kiss my babes, and the food is so much better than frozen dinners or cafeteria gourmet! But the flip side is also true, does my work suffer from being so cozy with my family? No matter how diligent I try to be and no matter how honest I try to be, I am so distracted when my little child reaches her arms towards me, while I should be writing a lesson, and needs a hug. What can I do?
Today I dropped my little man at the daycare. He pushed me out the door, after a kiss, and greeted me with warmth when I came to pick him up.
I may be feeling experiencing some tension between these two passions, but today I know that I am doing something right, so I will continue to try.
Slice of Life Challenge Day Two: Glamour of Motherhood, or not
My children are two and eleven-months, so the stomach-bug is not a welcome house guest.
This is not the glamorous sort of conversation I thought I was getting into when I began this challenge (yesterday).
Slice of Life Challenge Day 1: Late to Mass
I was pleased as little Befi rested peacefully in her car seat and I was able to kneel and have some quiet time in prayer. It was a surprise to me when four minutes after 11 some commotion near the alter brought my attention to the fact that it was late and mass was not yet starting. An elderly gentleman in a blazer announced that there had been some confusion with the schedule, but "he is on his way." I relished the extra time to sit in the peace of the sanctuary. Nobody seemed upset, perhaps because we are in an age when nobody comes to church who doesn't want to.
The wait was pleasant for me, with two small children, such peace is so rare. As we waited the elderly gentleman played a video from the Cardinal, saying that we would be watching it anyway, so we may just as well watch while waiting. The cantor sang a song.
At 11:15 Father arrived, mass went on as usual, and surprisingly was finished at the normal time. All a bizarre event I have never before experienced.