Kumquat meets his grandma for the first time! |
Today my kumquat turns eight weeks, and that means I am back at work. These past two weeks have been difficult for us, but we got through and we are getting into the swing of things.
My mom flew in on Saturday to help out with this transition and to meet her first grandson for the first time!
Monday I had the day off for the holiday, but I went to a doctor's appointment and left Kumquat with my mom and was away from him for the first time, it was not easy, but I stayed composed.
Then Tuesday was the big day, I went to work. Kumquat was crying when I left, but he was safe with his daddy and grandma. I cried. As I drove to work I could not escape the thought that I was leaving my baby behind. So I cried some more.
At work I was very supported, I arrived early and my co teachers were quick to offer me hugs, of course that made me cry (are you noticing a theme?). Then I started my day and everything was alright, I had enough work to keep me busy. I did not feel completely on the top of my job having been gone for six weeks, but it was not a major problem, I got through the day. When I got home I did not put my baby down, we were very happy to see each other. I gave him a bath as part of our evening ritual and the day was over.
Wednesday I did not cry, the day went well, but I was even more attached to Kumquat when I got home. It was a smooth day though.
Thursday was rough. The week was wearing me down, and I left half an hour early because I was feeling ill, leading to the fact that on Friday I stayed home sick.
Sure it was a little rocky, but I am getting back into the swing of things at work and it is good.
Week two was better, again my kumquat stayed home with his dad and grandma. Next week will be great, because the baby is going to be in an infant class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then home with my husband on Thursday and Friday. When I was pregnant I was very concerned about how little he would be by the time I would need to take him for group care, but now that I know he is a strong and healthy boy, and he is growing so fast, I am much more comfortable. On top of that I am fortunate enough to have hand-picked the people who will be taking care of him, I have nothing to worry about except getting out the door on time.
I'd love to hear what you went through when returning to work.